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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a member/renew my membership?
To become a member or renew your membership, contact any board member for assistance in paying your dues. Dues are:
Single Membership: $35.00
Family Membership*: $45.00
Student ( Age 18 and under): $20.00
*Family Membership consists of two members from the same family living in the same household (i.e. husband and wife/significant other.)
What do I get for becoming a club member?
Membership benefits include:
Support developing photographic skills
Collaborate with members to enhance electronic darkroom techniques
Meet community professionals in the field of photography
Develop friendships with others sharing a common interest
Expand photographic opportunities via club outings to regional attractions
Enjoy discounts on select purchases at Camera Craft
Participation in club photo contests judged by area professionals
Create a personal photo gallery on the club's website
How often does the club meet?
The club meets at 7:00PM on the 2nd and 4th Thursday, January through November (weather permitting). If a club meeting should be canceled due to weather, every attempt is made to notify members via email the day of the meeting.
Where does the club meet?
Loves Park City Hall
100 Heart Blvd
Loves Park, IL
What do you do at club meetings?
Club meetings cover a variety of topics and change from year to year. Each year’s agenda covers a variety of meetings including, but not limited to:
Contests – Contests are held four times a year with dates provided on the enclosed agenda. Each contest has a unique theme and is judged by a professional, local photographer. Judges are rotated for each contest and are not introduced to the club members until the night of the contest.
Workshops – Workshops can be either a hands-on meeting where camera equipment is needed, or a person give a demonstration of a particular photography concept.
Displays – Displays are nights where club members bring approximately ten pictures on a USB drive to display to the group. Each display has a theme and members are expected to talk about their photos and how they were taken, edited, etc. There is no obligation to bring your own photos, however it is encouraged!
Outings – The club holds an official “outing” once a month typically on a Saturday. The outings are not always defined at the beginning of the year when the agenda is created, but are typically firmed up the month before the outing occurs, if not sooner. This allows flexibility to get feedback from the club and change plans as needed to suit the taste of those interested in attending.
Presentations – Presentations are club meetings where a presenter comes to the club and talks about a certain photography related topic. Sometimes presenters are even our own club members that have a special photography niche, or would simply like to talk about and display their own style of photography!
Picnic/Christmas Party – Once a year the club hosts a summer picnic and a Christmas party. Both are open for club member’s families and are intended as a way to socialize outside of a club meeting setting. Check the agenda for specific dates.
Events – Events are unofficial club outings that are usually suggested by club members and noted on the website and/or newsletter as a potential photo opportunity that any club member may have interest in.
Should I bring my camera?
Cameras are only necessary for outings and sometimes workshops. However, feel free to bring your camera anytime you wish!
What occurs during a contest?
Club members bring up to two photos to be entered into either of two categories (Realistic or Enhanced). A judge then reviews all of the photos while the club meeting commences. Members also have the opportunity to view all of the photo and submit their vote for the “Member’s Choice” category. Once the judge has completed the judging, they select a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo as well as 2-3 honorable mentions (this is left to the judge’s discretion) for each category. The judge will critique each photo that was entered into the contest in no particular order, saving the honorable mention and photos that have placed for the end. Lastly, a “Best of Show” photo is chosen by the judge and a “Member’s Choice” photo is also awarded. All of this occurs on the same contest meeting night.
How do I prepare for a contest?
Before the Contest:
Familiarize yourself with the official rules to ensure you have met all of the requirements!
Select up to two photos that have not previously placed in another RPC contest and meet the contest theme (note that photos that have received Honorable Mention can be re-entered in other contests). Photos should not be marked with your name as to keep the photographer anonymous during the judging.
The Night of the Contest:
Arrive early! It is in your best interest to arrive 20-30 minutes before the usual club start time.
Each member should check in their photos with the contest chairperson.
Place the photos on the easel for the appropriate category.
Determine which category the photos qualify for; either Realistic or Enhanced. (See below for clarification of the category types.)
Print your photos and mount them according to the guidelines.
What is the difference between the Realistic and Enhanced categories?
Realistic – Realistic means that only global enhancements have been made to the photo. In other words, only changes that affect the entire image can be done (brightening, darkening, converting to black and white, sharpening, color correction, etc.). Multiple exposure and layers are not allowed.
Enhanced – Enhanced means that anything goes! Any changes that do not affect the entire picture fall into this category (i.e. removing an object or person, adding an object or person, selecting part of the image and changing it differently than the rest of the image, etc.). Multiple exposures and layers are allowed.
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